
Thursday, January 7, 2010

{homeschool outing} Rayyan Goes to the Zoo..~

Balik dari Fraser Hill, atok rayyan ajak pg zoo.. so Zoo Negara, here we come.. mama rayyan called makteh utk bawak aunty2 rayyan yg lain.. bile rayyan jumpe je aunty wawa.. terus melekat..

rayyan and the family kat area elephant
rayyan tunjuk sign language, 'elephant'
bawak book about animal, so that dia understand more
mama was so impressed tgk rayyan tk takot langsung feed deer
'lion' so kena buat auuuummm mcm lion
us, with the giraffe.. rayyan can now show giraffe.. tall

Alhamdulillah, it was a fun outing. Rayyan learns a lot. Balik dr zoo, mama tunjuk pix binatang je dia boleh buat sign language and sebut nama2 binatang tuh.. good boy, sayang..

mama rayyan

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